In this fanciful narrative, Lucy Furr present a fictitious yet amusing tale centered around Donald Trump and the labyrinthine machinations of government gone awry. Through humor and insight, he endeavors to shed light on the imperative of standing against a system mired in corruption and authoritarianism. The cherished freedoms and rights of American citizens hang in the balance, just as they did in 1776.
“No Common Sense” mirrors its predecessor in brevity, spanning approximately 34,000 words, with a fervent desire to galvanize Americans much like the original did centuries ago.
With hundreds of millions either enamored or enraged by Donald Trump, this book is sure to pique the interest of many. Regardless of one’s stance on him, it’s evident that he has become a target of an overreaching federal government. Enduring years of persecution, harassment, and orchestrated schemes, he stands as a symbol of the unchecked power wielded by those in authority. If a former president and potential re-election candidate can face such relentless pursuit, it begs the question: who among us is truly safe?
Trump has weathered spying, fraudulent accusations, property raids, and the relentless targeting of his family and associates, including legal representatives. Now, he faces charges unprecedented in their severity, potentially resulting in a sentence surpassing 700 years if found guilty. The implications are chilling—what could the government do to any ordinary citizen if it can wield such unchecked power against one of its highest officeholders?